In 1988, people might not have noticed a lean and thin actor playing a small role in Meera Nair's Salaam Bombay. Who knew this actor would redefine versatile acting in Indian cinema. From establishing himself as one of the finest actors of Indian cinema to playing crucial roles in Hollywood movies like Life of Pi, The Namesake, Slumdog Millionaire, The mighty heart and the amazing spiderman. His ability of acting from eyes,subtle art of dialogue delivery, playing romantic roles to playing a dacait of beehad in Paan Singh Tomar-This combination is rare. Very rare. Born in Jaipur, his childhood was spent in a small village 'tonk'. From childhood itself, he was inclined towards acting especially seeing Naseerudin Shah's movies. Salaam Bombay to The Namesake Story In days of NSD itself, Irrfan was offered a big role in Salaam Bombay by Meera Nair. He even started attending the workshop in bombay. But 2 days before the shoot started, he was told that he's no mo...
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