When you open your mail, do you also have 564 unread mails, 600 spams and 25 messages in drafts? If your mailbox also looks like this, unwillingly you are contributing to air pollution. Welcome back to Shekhar Arena! Today we will talk about how using your mails effectively can help protect the environment. Have you ever wondered where are our mails stored? They are stored on multiple servers in different parts of the world. To run these servers, a lot of electricity is required and most of this electricity is generated through fossil fuels. Also this can lead to extreme air pollution. According to reports, one spam mail can produce upto 0.3 gm Carbon dioxide. Emails with attachment can generate upto 50 gms Carbon dioxide. Around 60 bn spam mails are sent everyday that generates roughly 18 lac kg of carbon dioxide. That's the calcualtion for a single day! After all this knowledge, what can we do? There are multiple steps we can take to reduce carbon foot prints. A. Delete u...
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