Did you observe there is a significant gap between our expectations and reality? You planned to study 8 hrs a day and by the end of the day,you were able to study for only 4 hrs that too with a lot of distractions. Have you ever tried to figure out the reason. Actually we just think of something and start acting,no? The correct approach should be creating a stable and unshakeable mindset first. Welcome back to Shekhararena. Today we will be taking about the first step that is a stable mindset in order to achieve anything you desire to. It's obvious that big goals require bigger actions but we need to have one pointed focus with zero distractions also. Another aspect of the mindset is when you have the one pointed focus on a goal and unfortunately you are not able to achieve that goal, the situation can be disastrous. People usually lose confidence in themselves,and their capabilities and in some cases they are even depressed. Thus we need to create a focussed mindset and an ...
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